Monday, March 16, 2009

Joshua 14:10-12 - A Positive Attitude

How can you not like Caleb, son of Jephunneh as recorded in Joshua 14:10-12? He is 85 years old and ready to take on the Anakites so that he can claim the inheritance that God has promised him.

A couple of things that I note in this. First, he put himself in the position of claiming this inheritance because he followed God wholeheartedly. He stood against the other 10 spies who gave a bad report. At 40 years old, he was ready to enter the promised land and rely on the promise of God to drive out the Canaanites before them.

The second observation is that action is required on his part to get the inheritance. It is not just a matter of believing, it is a matter of taking that belief and putting it to action. At 85, Caleb had the same belief as at 40 and had the same drive to live out that belief in action.

In my mind, I hear Johnny Cash singing his version of "I won't back down." "Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out. Hey baby, but I won't back down . . . . I will stand my ground"

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Deuteronomy 31:8 - Do Not Be Afraid

I am struck by how often the command, "do not be afraid" is found in Scripture. In Deuteronomy 31:8 we have this command with the promise that the LORD "will never leave you nor forsake you."

Why do we need to hear this promise? I think it is because God knows how often we feel left or forsaken. I know that I need this reassurance. I see the world around me in confusion and rebellion. The truth is suppressed and insanity seems often to prevail.

There are times when I think that if only God would make his presence more tangible then things would be different in the world. Then I remember that Jesus came and did make God tangible yet the world went on its own way. Those who did not wish to see Jesus as God were able to ignore his challenge and go blindly on.

There were some who were impacted by Jesus, yet even the disciples still had moments of doubt. They still questioned and struggled to understand. This was especially true following Jesus' death.

Yet, when I stop and prayfully consider my circumstances and history, I can see God's hand in so many events, both in my life and the lives of the people around me. When I pause for reflection, I can see that I have never been left or forsaken.