Saturday, October 04, 2008

Matthew 8:26 - Little Faith

"He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”." (Matthew 8:26a, NIV)

One of the things I appreciate about the Bible is that the "heroes" of the faith are not portrayed as being anything other than regular men and women who have yielded themselves to be used by God. They have the same struggles and make the same moment by moment decisions that we are called to make. Like us, they also make bad choices from time to time.

In one of these moments, the disciples yielded to fear and woke Jesus while he was sleeping. His response is curious and challenging. He points out that they had insufficient faith on this occasion.

I sometimes ask myself, do I miss opportunities to be of service simply because I lack faith? I am sure that the answer to this is yes. My guess is that when I get to Heaven there will gain understanding into how different things could have been had I exercised more faith. Too often I give in to fear and miss out.

Now the good news. As I write this, I can see how my faith has grown. While I have a long way to go, I can look back and see how far I've come. God has arranged my circumstances and my failures to show me that He is faithful, even when I am not. This has resulted in growth of both understanding and of faith.

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