Friday, February 27, 2009

Deuteronomy 11:12 - Watch the Land

I remember an old Larry Norman song which had a phrase that went "if you're truly wise, you'll keep your eyes on Palestine." This seems to be really good advice in light of Deuteronomy 11:12.

In this verse, Moses tells us that God's eyes are on the land that Israel now occupies. He says it is a land that God cares for. God also gave it to the nation of Israel.

I know of no verse in Scripture where either of these statements have been rescinded. So if God's eye is on the land and if He has designated the descendants of Israel as the legal owners, it doesn't seem likely that any Muslim nation will succeed in wiping Israel off the map.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Deuteronomy 4:39 - What if?

What if I followed the command of Deuteronomy 4:39 and acknowledged and took to heart this day that the LORD is God . . . There is no other?

Would my life be different if I followed this completely? For me, the answer to this is yes. From what I read of the saints that have gone before me, they came to the same conclusion.

Two questions come to my mind. The first has to do with what I do and the second (and more important) question has to do with why I do it.

  1. Am I doing what God wants me to do?
  2. Am I doing it for His glory or for mine?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Numbers 20:13 - Grumbling and Quarreling

I'm reading through the book of Numbers right now. Numbers 20:13 caught my eye this morning.

While I would not go so far to say that my personal life is difficult, I have had some difficulties along the way. My job (and soon to be lack thereof) being one of the larger ones.

As I read this, I am convicted that I have done a lot of grumbling along the way, sometimes to God, sometimes to others. It is one thing to be honest with God about our difficulties, it is quite another thing to grumble. I think that the difference is in the degree to which I allow God to be in control.

For example, most of my grumbling is a veiled attempt to give give God advice on how I should be treated. My pride would like my talent and effort to be recognized and praised. When they are not I perceive this as an injustice. Like the Sons of Thunder, I am then ready to call down fire from Heaven on those who disregard me.

It is quite another thing to be honest with God about my circumstances, acknowledge that He is in control and ask for wisdom and grace to respond appropriately.

The difference is that one response stems from pride (I want to be in control) and the other stems from humility (I want God to be in control).