Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Genesis 16:2 - The Path of Least Resistance

In Genesis 16:2 it says, "Abram agreed to what Sarai said." Abram went with the flow; he took the path of least resistance. Granted, he could not have known the outcome of this decision. He was within the social norms and this choice was perfectly acceptable in his culture. So let's not be too hard on Abram (or Sarai).

I certainly am in no position to condemn Abram's choice since I have a long track record of taking the path of least resistance. Take the easy choice as long as it is not clearly immoral. Go for the easier major in college with little or no thought as to calling. Take the higher paying job even though the work may be less rewarding with regard to growth and satisfaction. Do the thing that is easiest and makes the fewest waves.

I am reminded by Abram that choices have consequences. Perhaps there is no perfect choice other than to accept Jesus.

I can either refuse to make choices (this is the path of addiction or mental illness) or trust that God can work it out even when my choices are less than perfect. Thankfully, we have the promise of Jesus that he will be always with us. Perhaps at the end of life, rather than being based on accomplishment, satisfaction will be gained by seeing the way that Jesus walked with me all the way, even when my choices led me into difficulties.

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