Image by Sean MacEntee via Flickr
A reaction to an article in the Huffington Post by Rev. Susan Russell
Since the article I'm responding to was in response to Rick Santorum's campaign for the Presidency, this post could be construed as having political overtones. Therefore I thought it best to post my comments here rather than on Attempts at Honesty since politics is outside the scope of that blog.
One question: since when does a literal interpretation of the Bible constitute "homophobia?" I am in agreement with Scripture that homosexuality is a sin. So is pride, selfishness, gluttony and a host of other behaviors.
Homosexuals should be treated no differently than any other group of people. We are all sinners and all in need of God's grace. That being said, this equality is not a basis for the redefinition of marriage.
Marriage is not a man-made institution. God created marriage in the Garden before our first parents chose to sin. Marriage, by definition is one man married to one woman. This definition is not mine, nor is it the church's, it is God's definition and we have no right to change it.
Therefore, I disagree with the homosexual lobby efforts to change the definition of marriage. If there is any fear (phobia) involved in this, I fear the consequences of such a redefinition. Marriage and ,family has been the foundation of society. Until the sexual revolution of the 1960's it was a fairly solid foundation, especially in cultures where the Judeo/Christian world view is predominant.
If you change the foundation, I fear the collapse of society. So in that sense, I am homophobic. But I do not fear, nor hate homosexuals.
But alas, in our "enlightened" state in 2012, we cannot separate the ideas from the one who promotes the ideas. So, we cannot condemn homosexuality without it being thought that we hate and fear homosexuals. I know they are playing word games the way a pouting child tries to manipulate his parents. Yet words used to mean something and I take umbrage at a false accusation.
Rev. Russell, you may legally sleep with whoever you want, but I do not have to call it marriage.
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