Sunday, December 13, 2009

Genesis 45:9 – The Truth Comes Out

In Genesis 45:9, Joseph tells his brothers, to whom he has revealed himself, “now hurry back to my father and say to him . . .”

Can you imagine how fun that ride back to Canaan was? I can hear the brothers rehearsing how they were going to reveal the news to Jacob. Basically, they had to admit that they lied about Joseph and hope that Jacob's joy at hearing that Joseph is alive eclipses his wrath at having a lie told to him.

I once heard a story about how a father taught his son an object lesson about lying. He had him hammer a nail into each board on their fence and then go back and remove all the nails. Afterward, the father explained to the son that even though he removed the nails there is still a hole. In the same way, every lie has a lingering effect.

May my speech be such that I say nothing that I will later regret . . .

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